How I Became An Art[Scient]Ist: A Tale Of Paradisciplinarity

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How I Became An Art[Scient]Ist: A Tale Of Paradisciplinarity

How I Became An Art[Scient]Ist: A Tale Of Paradisciplinarity

Contributed by Morgan Fritz on 25 Mar 2014

In 1992, I earned a PhD in evolutionary biology. In 2012, I obtained a PhD in dance. In the process of becoming an art[scient]ist, I have encountered many pitfalls and roadblocks, but also greatly benefited from remarkable opportunities. In this paper, I reflect on my own experience to present an insider’s view of artscience, the rare tale of a scientist venturing in the field of art. I propose a roadmap for achieving paradisciplinarity; the parallel and symmetric practice of scientific and artistic activities. Namely, I present a list of sufficient and necessary conditions for the making of a true paradisciplinary art[scient]ist. This paper is not about collaborative artscience projects involving scientists and artists working on a common subject/object, it precisely concerns individuals who want to become successful art[scient]ists with dual careers, both as working scientists and performance/exhibiting artists.


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